
Parameters:dataWithPredictions – binary predictions computed by the LogisticRegression or SupportVectorMachine predict() function
Returns:accuracy computed based on the binary predictions of a classifier (LogisticRegression, SupportVectorMachines)
Return type:double
Parameters:dataWithPredictions – binary predictions computed by the LogisticRegression or SupportVectorMachine predict() function
Returns:f1score metric (2*(precision*recall)/(precision+recall)), computed based on the binary predictions of a classifier (LogisticRegression, SupportVectorMachines)
Return type:double
Parameters:dataWithPredictions – probabilities computed by the LogisticRegression predict_proba() function
Returns:logistic loss computed by the logistic regression predicted probabilities
Return type:double
Parameters:dataWithPredictions – linear regression predictions, predicted by the RidgeRegression predict() function
Returns:mean squared error computed based on the provided dataWithPredictions parameter
Return type:double
Parameters:dataWithPredictions – binary predictions computed by the LogisticRegression or SupportVectorMachine predict() function
Returns:precision metric (TP/(TP+FP)), computed based on the binary predictions of a classifier (LogisticRegression, SupportVectorMachines)
Return type:double
Parameters:dataWithPredictions – binary predictions computed by the LogisticRegression or SupportVectorMachine predict() function
Returns:recall metric (TP/(TP+FN)), computed based on the binary predictions of a classifier (LogisticRegression, SupportVectorMachines)
Return type:double