
class snap_ml_spark.LinearRegression.LinearRegression(max_iter=1000, dual=True, regularizer=1.0, verbose=False, use_gpu=False, class_weights=None, gpu_mem_limit=0, n_threads=-1, penalty='l2', tol=0.001, return_training_history=None, labelColIndex=1)

Linear Regression classifier

This class implements Regularized Linear regression using the IBM Snap ML distributed solver. It can handle sparse and dense dataset formats. Please use libsvm, snap or csv format for the Dual algorithm, or snap.t (transposed) format for the primal algorithm.

  • max_iter (int, default : 1000) – Maximum number of iterations used by the solver to converge.
  • dual (bool, default : True) – Dual or primal formulation. Recommendation: if n_samples > n_features use dual=True, else dual=False.
  • regularizer (float, default : 1.0) – Regularization strength. It must be a positive float. Larger regularization values imply stronger regularization.
  • verbose (boolean, default : False) – Flag for indicating if the training loss will be printed at each epoch.
  • use_gpu (bool, default : False) – Flag for indicating the hardware platform used for training. If True, the training is performed using the GPU. If False, the training is performed using the CPU.
  • class_weights ('balanced'/True or None/False, optional) – If set to ‘None’, all classes will have weight = 1.
  • gpu_mem_limit (int, default : 0) – Limit of the GPU memory. If set to the default value 0, the maximum possible memory is used.
  • n_threads (int, default : -1 meaning that n_threads=256 if GPU is enabled, else 1) – Number of threads to be used.
  • penalty (str, default : "l2") – The regularization / penalty type. Possible values are “l2” for L2 regularization (RidgeRegression) or “l1” for L1 regularization (LassoRegression). L1 regularization is possible only for the primal optimization problem (dual=False).
  • tol (float, default : 0.001) – The tolerance parameter. Training will finish when maximum change in model coefficients is less than tol.
  • return_training_history (str or None, default : None) – How much information about the training should be collected and returned by the fit function. By default no information is returned (None), but this parameter can be set to “summary”, to obtain summary statistics at the end of training, or “full” to obtain a complete set of statistics for the entire training procedure. Note, enabling either option will result in slower training.
  • labelColIndex (int, default : 1) – Denotes which column to be marked as label. It’s applicable only when Dataframe is passed in as input and its holding features in individual columns rather than in DenseVector or SparseVector
  • coef (ndarray, shape (n_features,)) – Coefficients of the features in the trained model.
  • pred_array (ndarray, shape(number_of_test_examples,)) – linear predictions written by the predict() function of this class

learn model

Parameters:data (pyspark.sql.DataFrame/py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject which points to a memory address where the actual data is stored and it cannot be accessed by python as a python array.) – data to fit model
Returns:double – final training loss of the last epoch
Returns:all the initialized parameters of the Linear Regression model as a python dictionary
predict(data, num_threads=0)

Predict regression values

  • data (pyspark.sql.DataFrame/py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject which points to a memory address where the actual data is stored and cannot be accessed by python as an array but only can passed as a parameter to this function in order to get the predictions) – data to make predictions
  • num_threads – the number of threads to use for inference (default 0 means use all avaliable threads)

a pointer which points to a java object. This pointer cannot be accessed by python but the user can access the predictions from the pred_array_ field which is a python array.